President’s Message, June 2020
MSBA Kim Mehalick comments on an interesting year, new online alternatives, the importance of remembering to take time to smell the nectar! ...

Notes from the Apiary Inspector
Cybil Preston updates us on pandemic practices for which apiaries are inspected and how they must be conducted, as well as the National Honeybee Survey ...

Remembering Ann Harman (1931-2020): MSBA President, 1988-1990
There is an old custom in Old World beekeeping that some carry on in the New World, that is telling the bees when the beekeeper dies. So, we must tell the bees of the passing of their extraordinary friend, Ann Harman ...

Dr. David Tarpy
Our June Meeting Keynote is Dr. David Tarpy, speaking to queen issues and dynamics, and diagnosing hive conditions! ...

How to Zoom: A Quick Overview of MSBA’s Webinar Platform
During the coronavirus pandemic restrictions, MSBA will be conducting meetings as "webinars" that us the Zoom platform. You will need two things for each meeting, a Zoom Account and the meeting Number and/or password Meeting Numbers and Passwords The Meeting Number and Password (if any) for each individual meeting will ...

“Inside the Hive TV” with Dr. Humberto Boncristiani
Last year, MSBA had the privilege to welcome Dr. Humberto Boncristiani to discuss his deep research into small hive beetle and the challenge of control. He is now offering an online, dynamic, and collaborative new channel of communication for beekeepers and beekeeping groups, InsideTheHiveTV. He explains, "'Inside the Hive.TV' is ...

Learn at Home online learning
We've compiled a list of very helpful online learning tools to speed you to better beekeeping ...

Bee Squad Update: Summer 2020
The UMD Bee Squad has created a series of online webinars for beekeepers, taking the place of the planned in-person events and classes planned for the Summer of 2020. The Bee Squad offered several sessions, free of charge, this Spring and is in the process of planning a new series ...

Enough with the “Murder” Hornets
Beekeeping club phones and email boxes, Extension and Apiary Inspection offices, entomology departments and (perhaps gleefully) pest control companies have been inundated with frantic inquiries since the unfortunate May 2 New York Times article describing a terrible threat, especially to beekeepers, from this fearsome looking insect. This creature is ...

Success! MSBA Aids Puerto Rico’s Bees and Beekeepers
Puerto Rico has faced hard times –hurricanes, earthquakes, economic collapse, and now a pandemic–but the Maryland State Beekeepers community can take pride in pulling together and overcoming obstacles to get critical bee feed into the hands of these special beekeepers as of May 14, 2020. Dr. Tugrul Giray of the ...

Beekeeping News and Notes: June 2020
New varroa silver bullet? Nectar is hard! Too many bees? Almonds, Bt, pesticide concentrations ...
9:00 AM | Opening and Welcome | Kim Mehalick, President |
9:15 AM | Diagnosing Queen Problems: Is it the Queen, the Colony, Both, or Neither? | Dr. David Tarpy, North Carolina State University |
10:15 AM | Md. Apiary Inspector's Report | Cybil Preston, Maryland State Inspector |
10:45 AM | Bee Squad Update: Summer 2020 | Mark Dykes, UMD |
11:00 AM | The Benefits of Genetic Diversity Within Your Hives | Dr. David Tarpy, North Carolina State University |
12:00 Noon | Adjourn | Kim Mehalick, President |
12:05 PM | Q&A (optional) | All invited |
MSBA 2020 Board of Directors
President | Kim | Mehalick | (301) 552-2214 | msba@mdbeekeepers.org |
V.P. | Fred | Smith | (301) 992-7197 | vp@mdbeekeepers.org |
Secretary | Toni | Burnham | (202) 255-4318 | secretary@mdbeekeepers.org |
Treasurer | Stefanie | Ottenstein | (301) 404-5926 | treasurer@mdbeekeepers.org |
Past President | Jim | Fraser | (301) 518-9678 | past-president@mdbeekeepers.org |
Director | Maureen | Jais-Mick | (301) 801-6253 | directora@mdbeekeepers.org |
Director | Carl | Guerci | (410) 647-5540 | directorb@mdbeekeepers.org |
Director | Mary Laura | Fitzgerald | (301) 345-8171 | directorc@mdbeekeepers.org |
MD Apiary Inspector | Cybil | Preston | (410) 562-3464 | cybil.preston@maryland.gov |
EAS Director | Patti | Wong | (240) 688-7789 | eas@mdbeekeepers.org |
Beeline Editor | Toni | Burnham | (202) 255-4318 | beeline@mdbeekeepers.org |
Webmaster | Phil | Frank | (301) 547-6949 | webmaster@mdbeekeepers.org |
Allegany | Ben | Cooper | (814) 324-4550 | allegany@mdbeekeepers.org |
Anne Arundel | Deborah | Hewitt | (410) 320-0758 | anne-arundel@mdbeekeepers.org |
Baltimore | Susan | Warner | (443) 840-2618 | baltimore@mdbeekeepers.org |
Baltimore City | Bill | Castro | (303) 877-4617 | baltimore-city@mdbeekeepers.org |
Calvert | Jerry | Worrell | (410) 257 3267 | calvert@mdbeekeepers.org |
Caroline | Paul | Dill | (302) 249-1866 | P.O. Box 571, Wyoming, DE 19934 |
Carroll | Clyde | Strang | (443) 334-4192 | carroll@mdbeekeepers.org |
Cecil | Brad | Luff | (443) 350-4732 | cecil@mdbeekeepers.org |
Charles | Janet | Bardzik | (410) 467-4249 | charles@mdbeekeepers.org |
Dorchester | Oliver | Collins | (443) 521-0941 | |
Frederick | Martin | Posse | (240) 899-4094 | frederick@mdbeekeepers.org |
Garrett | Brittany | Llewellyn | (301) 6970054 | garrett@mdbeekeepers.org |
Harford | Harry | Dutcher | (410) 734-9236 | harford@mdbeekeepers.org |
Howard | Clif | Darby | (410) 744-2878 | howard@mdbeekeepers.org |
Kent | Dick | Crane | (410) 778-8183 | kent@mdbeekeepers.org |
Montgomery | Pam | Hepp | (301) 320-9605 | montgomery@mdbeekeepers.org |
Prince George's | David | Clark | (443) 871-0494 | prince-georges@mdbeekeepers.org |
Queen Anne's | Charles | Campbell | (410) 364-5037 | queen-annes@mdbeekeepers.org |
Somerset | Crystal | Lehmanking | (443) 614-3609 | somerset@mdbeekeepers.org |
St. Mary's | Harry | Dalton | (301) 475-8224 | st-marys@mdbeekeepers.org |
Talbot | Lisa Marie | Ghezzi | (703) 328-6322 | talbot@mdbeekeepers.org |
Washington | Greg | Gentry | greg38tn@yahoo.com | |
Wicomico | Dean | Burroughs | (410) 546-2910 | wicomico@mdbeekeepers.org |
Worcester | Wes | Townsend | (410) 641-1030 | worcester@mdbeekeepers.org |
Washington D.C. | Jan | Day | (202) 494-7425 | dc@mdbeekeepers.org |