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DEFINITELY put this meeting on your calendar. The morning lectures will be in person and via Zoom, but you will want to bee present for the afternoon TOUR of University of Maryland's BEE LAB.
We will post more details as they become available.
DAY: Saturday, June 10, 2023
TIME: 8:30 am - 4:00 pm
WHERE: BOTH In-Person and via ZOOM. (HYBRID)
In-Person Location: University of Maryland Plant Sciences Building Auditorium
(IF you plan to attend in-person, please RSVP at the bottom of this page.)
LEARN - TONS! Including bee nutrition and dissection
WHO - Presentations by Dr. Ramesh Sagili, Oregon State University, Dr. Dennis vanEngelsdorp, UMD, and other experts!
Morning location is University of Maryland Plant Sciences Building Auditorium
2023 June 10 Meeting SCHEDULE
8:30 AM Refreshments, Coffee, Donuts, etc.
9:00 AM Opening and Welcome Fred Smith, President
9:15 AM Maryland Apiary Inspector's Report Cybil Preston, MD State Inspector VIA ZOOM
9:30 AM EAS 2024 Report David Morris , EAS 2024 President
10:00 AM Understanding and Improving Honey Bee Nutrition VIA ZOOM
Dr. Ramesh Sagili, Oregon State University
11:00 AM Looking Back and Looking Ahead: 10 years at the UMD Bee Lab Dr. Dennis vanEngelsdorp, UMD
12:00 Noon Lunch
Hands On Afternoon in the UMD Bee Lab
ActivityLocation in Plant Sciences Building
1:00-1:10 PM Intro: What to Expect this Afternoon
PLS 1140
1:15-1:50 PM Learning on your feet: walking lab tour PLS 4176, 4171, 3187
1:55-2:30 PM Dissection/Anatomy: Know guts, know glory! PLS 1161
2:30-2:45 PM BREAK Outside PLS 1140
2:45-3:20 PM The Rebel Alliance: UMD and BIP PLS 1130
3:25-3:40 PM Bare your soul (MD extension survey) PLS 1140
3:40-4:00 PM Panel Questions PLS 1140
4:00 PM Adjourn PLS 1140

Dr. Ramesh Sagili is an Associate Professor in the Department of Horticulture at Oregon State University. He obtained his PhD in Entomology from Texas A&M University in 2007 specializing in honey bee research. His primary research focus is honey bee health, nutation and pollination. Ramesh initiated the creation of the Oregon Master Beekeeper Program and chaired the Oregon Governor’s Task Force on Pollination Health. His research program addresses both basic and applied questions to improve honey bee health and nutrition, hence a majority of his projects are collaborative efforts involving stakeholders (beekeepers and growers). He has authored several important research and extension publications along with an application titled “How to reduce bee poisoning from pesticides” that is being used by many beekeepers, growers and pesticide consultants/applicators in the country. He has received several awards including the Entomology Society of America Pacific Branch Research Award, Eastern Apicultural Society’s Outstanding Research Award and OSU Outreach and Engagement Award.

Dennis vanEngelsdorp leads the University of Maryland Bee Lab and is an Associate Professor in the UMD Department of Entomology. His research focuses on pollinator health, and is particularly intrigued with using an epidemiological approach to understanding and improving honey bee health. This approach is multi-faceted, requiring understanding both the etiology (causes) of individual bee diseases and the large scale monitoring of colony health.
Dennis is widely published and his TED talk, "a plea for bees" has been viewed 811,943 times -- click HERE and make it 811,944 views!
FUN FACTS: In his spare time Dr vanEngelsdorp loves to garden and considers himself "stereotypical Dutchman."
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