2025 Feb 28 Project Apis m Webinar

Colony Loss Results: Survey Data and Sample Analyses. 

The recent, sudden, colony losses spurred national surveys of beekeepers, and bee-sample collections from the field. BELOW, you can listen to Project Apis m.'s summary of initial findings - they are Interesting and puzzling.

Did you know... MSBA is a financial supporter of Project Apis m.
If you'd like to know more about how Project Apis m. champions bees around the world, check out the recording MSBA's Feb 15, 2025 meeting. PAm's Executive Director, Danielle Downey, gave a great overview. The recording is under the 'Meetings' tab at the top of all MSBA webpages.

LOSS RATES mentioned in the above video.

Hobbyist          50%
Sideliner          54%
Commercial     62%

This is a deadly serious situation, but frustratingly, they don't yet know what the problem or combination of problems is, nor whether the next season will have similar loss rates.

So we must wait longer to find out what may be happening. University and USDA researchers are working intensively on this right now, some with depleted staff and/or funding due to the new Administration's actions.