Below are very helpful video resources to learn beekeeping.
- PENN STATE: Full beginner's course for a fee
- GUELPH UNIVERSITY: Offers free bee keeping videos on a variety of topics.

"BEEKEEPING 101" - Watch these recorded lessons when it is convenient to you.
- SKILL LEVEL: Beginner, Intermediate
- LENGTH: 9 hours
Learning Outcomes - As you complete this course, you will:
- understand the science of honeybees
- implement the best practices of experienced beekeepers
- understand bee biology and behavior
- use typical beekeeping clothing and equipment
- manage a hive throughout the year
- identify and treat common bee pests and diseases
- outline various bee products you and your bees can make
- understand pollination and the role bees play
If you finish the course and quizzes, you will receive a CERTIFICATE OF COMPLETION.
Getting Started with bees
Working with Bees

Working with Queens
Colony Management
- Supering Hives
- Swarm Control
- Splitting Hives
- Moving Hives
- Feeding Bees and Overwintering
- Dealing with Deadouts (Part 1)
- Dealing with Deadouts (Part 2)
- Managing Towards Gentle Behaviour
Abnormal Colony Conditions
- Abnormal Conditions Part 1 – Failed Queens and Chalk Brood
- Abnormal Conditions Part 2 – Wax Moth, Monitoring Mites, and Antibiotics
- Abnormal Conditions Part 3 – Laying Workers and Sacbrood
- Laying Worker
Pest Management
Double Nucleus Colonies
- Making Double Nucleus Colonies Part 1
- Making Double Nucleus Colonies Part 2
- Fixing Problem Double Nucleus Colonies
- Transferring Double Nucleus Colonies
Queen Rearing
- Grafting
- Cell Building – Part 1
- Cell Building – Part 2
- Making Mini Nucleus Colonies
- 4-Way Mating Nucleus Colonies
- Handling Queen Cells