Notes from the Apiary Inspector

Maryland 2024 Statistics
Active beekeepers: 4,293
Registered beekeepers: 2,623 (about 61%)
Beekeepers not registered: 1,670 (about 39%)
Apiaries: 3,234                  
Colonies: 25,054
Number of colonies inspected: 232

Apiary registration letters: The first letter and form was mailed out in December.  If you have not done so, please register. A second mailing, weather permitting , will go out on 2/13/25.

Winter 2024-2025: With the frigid temperatures –and prolonged cluster weather we have been having–I am hearing about and inspecting more dead outs than last year. The bees have had very few cleansing flight days!

Dead outs that I am seeing are winter clusters with heads in cells, some with NO food left and some WITH supers of honey above.  Some have a smallish cluster left behind, leading me to think there could have been heavy die offs while the bees attempted cleansing flights. Other potential causes include, but might not be limited to:

  • Nosema
  • Trachea Mite
  • Varroa/virus

Nucleus colony purchaser reminder: Please remember that if you are purchasing nucleus colonies from out of state you will need to have them inspected prior to them entering Maryland.  

Nuc supplier reminder: Nucleus colony suppliers, please schedule your spring inspection. If nucs are made in Maryland and sold to an out of state beekeeper, they must be inspected before movement across state lines.  

The beekeeper/nuc seller is responsible for finding out from the buyer where it is going.  Every state has the same laws for the movement of bees into the state. Please contact me if you need to schedule a spring inspection.

Bee Check: If you wish to use the Bee Check voluntary mapping site, we must have a current registration form on file for you to access the free site.  

National Honeybee Survey 2025: We will be participating in the National Honey Bee Survey again this year. I am looking for volunteers who would like to participate! To qualify, you must have 8 colonies in your apiary.  

K-9 AFB inspections: Tukka was able to inspect Maryland hives leaving for California: 2,800 were inspected in November and December.  

Varroa mite control: Please remember when you are choosing your varroa control that label is law, and only approved products are allowable for use in your colonies. If you are choosing to use oxalic acid, the products allowable for use are Api-Bioxal, EZ-OX, VarroxSan.  You have your choice of powder, tablets or extended-release strips! Your own concoctions of wood bleach and shop towels or Swedish sponges are illegal, and should not be used in your colonies.  

Cybil Preston
Chief Apiary Inspector
State Apiarist
EAS Certified Master Beekeeper
Certified Maryland Honey Judge
Maryland Department of Agriculture
50 Harry S. Truman Parkway
Annapolis, Maryland 21401
(410) 841-5920(O)
(410) 562-3464 (M)

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