You can learn more about the honey show and its rules here, but first, MSBA President Kim Mehalick wants to encourage your participation and offer some tips for success!
TIPS for preparing a Honey Show entry:

- Put your entry through a fine filter to reduce particulate.
- Pour your bottles a week early so the air bubbles can rise.
- Watch those fill lines! That ridge bellow the screw threads up top is the "Fair Fill Line."
- Bring an extra cap, and replace the one your entry traveled in before handing it over.
- Bring a microfiber cloth along, and carefully wipe away any fingerprints, dust or smears that might have come with travel.
- If your honey has started to crystallize now that the weather is cooling, you have time to gently warm it: consider a register through which your home's heat is rising, or placing your entry in a cardboard box in a low-temp oven (with the heat OFF) for a few hours.
- EAS has a full page of dos and don'ts, as well!