MSBA is collecting money to support endeavors which directly help honey bees. Your annual charitable donation is needed. We pass along 100% of the donations we receive. Plus, MSBA is 501(c)(3) non-profit EIN 52-1887350, so you may be eligible for tax benefits.
HINT: Click the pictures for descriptions of the Funds.
STEPS to donate instantly online:
- Click “Add to Cart” for each fund you’d like to support (Clicking all four is best!)
- Your Cart will appear below in 15 seconds
- Set your donation quantity for each fund
- Click "Update cart"
- Click "Proceed to checkout"
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To Donate by Check:
Please make checks payable to 'MSBA' . In the Memo write "Donations for ____ "
Mail to:
MSBA Treasurer
c/o Ghezzi
7218 Maxmore Creek Drive
Easton, MD 21601