MDA Apiary Inspector J FischerApiary Inspection: Registering Your Hives & Supporting Your Inspectors Makes Better Beekeeping for All

Maryland Beekeepers are asked to complete a free apiary registration for their hives each year as part of the state's effort to support healthy and viable beekeeping for now and the future. It is also an opportunity to support our inspectors.

Your registration is the only official tally of beekeepers in Maryland, and with state resources under fire, the only way we can keep this service is by standing up to be counted, and by demonstrating its value to us.

In Maryland, you can receive free expert help from six experienced apiary inspectors by taking two steps: 1) registering your hives; and 2) making contact via phone or email. Virginia beekeepers make do with the same number of inspectors in a state that is 3.5 times larger. In a pinch, you always have someone to call with a beekeeping question, problem, or crisis. Perhaps this is why we continue to have among the lowest rates of AFB and CCD in the country.

The photo at right show State Apiary Inspector Cybil Preston along with our newly-certified AFB dog Mack! As a team, they are certified in American Fould Brood detection. Mack is the fifth dog in history to work for MDA and they wer both trained through the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.

But as you know, the Maryland Department of Agriculture has passed-on budget decreases to beekeeping in years past (there are no full-time dedicated apiculture positions now) and our inspection system needs the donations to make up the shortfall and to continue the current level of service. All donations are dedicated to supporting Apiary Inspection. A reasonable donation might be $5 per colony, or $25 per yard.

And this assocation put its own money on the table" our membership voted to make a $2,000 donation on November 14, 2015. We are also making this easy for you. You can send us a check, or make an online donation here, and we will pass it on to the Maryland Apiary Inspection Fund!

To Pay by Check:

Please make checks payable to "MDA" and send to:

50 Harry S Truman Parkway,
Annapolis, Maryland 21401

To Pay Online

We can accept your payment via PayPal, but please note: MSBA is charged 2.9% plus 30¢ of your total for handling of this transaction. Therefore, MDA will receive your total payment minus that amount. MSBA is not collecting any part of the transaction fee.