Bee Clubs in and around Maryland are invited to announce upcoming Beekeeping Classes on this page.
If your club has an upcoming bee class, an officer of the club can request the class be posted on this page by clicking HERE.

Beeswax Workshop March 8, 2025: Creating Winning Entries and Products
Maryland beekeepers who are national champions in beeswax teach you! ...

2025 May 03 Queen Rearing CLASS
Learn to RAISE your own QUEENS! This is a full day of instruction and hands-on GRAFTING. Instructors are EAS Master Beekeepers Russell Sprangel, Valerie Wampler and Kim Mehalick ...

Learn at Home online learning
We've compiled a list of very helpful online learning tools to speed you to better beekeeping ...
You can see descriptions of previously offered classes by scrolling to the bottom of this page.
BEEKEEPING CLUBS IN MARYLAND: Your Chance to improve beekeeping -- for yourself and others
Whether you are new to beekeeping, or were born holding a hive tool, it is important to maintain memberships in both local and state clubs.
Our STATE CLUB, the Maryland State Beekeepers Association...
- brings internationally renown experts to your meetings to explain the latest bee discoveries, challenges, and methodologies
- supports state inspectors, who make all our hives healthier
- helps educate policy makers, so we can maintain a bee-friendly environment
LOCAL CLUBS, like the ones listed below...
- bring neighboring beekeepers together, establishing a sense of community
- is a reservoir of insights to your hyper-local challenges with pests, nectar flows, weather, etc
- provides new beekeepers with hands on mentoring
- helps experienced beekeepers protect their colonies' health by sharing best practices with newbees
Area Beekeeping Organizations
CLICK on the Organization name to see their WEBSITES
CLUB and Website | PRESIDENT | Phone | |
Allegheny Mountain Beekeepers Assoc. | Ben Cooper | | |
Anne Arundel Beekeepers Assoc. | Susan Taylor Beury | | (808)375-6893 |
Assoc. Of Southern Maryland Beekeepers | Diane Wellons | | |
Baltimore Backyard Beekeepers Network | | ||
Baltimore-Filbert Street Community Garden Bee Club | Charles DeBarber | | |
Bowie Upper Marlboro Beekeepers Assoc. | Mike Mehalick | | |
Carroll County Beekeepers Assoc. | Monica Schmitt | Monica Schmitt | |
Central Maryland Beekeepers Assoc. | Regina Andrew | | |
DC Beekeepers Alliance | Jan Day | | |
Eastern Shore Beekeepers Assoc. | Paul Dill | (302) 249-1866 | |
Frederick Backyard Beekeepers Assoc. | John Klapac | | (301) 639-1894 |
Frederick County Beekeeping Assoc. | Mike Raide | | |
Greater Baltimore Beekeepers | Lynne Ellis | | |
Howard County Beekeepers Assoc. | Christina Glorioso Mullan | | |
Lower Eastern Shore Beekeepers Assoc. | Jim Leether | | |
Montgomery County Beekeepers Assoc. | Kimberly Pfirrmann-Powell | | |
Northern Virginia Beekeepers Assoc. | Kamie McGlynn | | |
Susquehanna Beekeepers Assoc. | Charles Thomas | | |
Upper Eastern Shore Beekeeping Assoc. | Mary Laura Fitzgerald | | |
Washington County Beekeepers Assoc. | Helen Doerr | | |
Wye River Beekeepers Assoc. | Lisa Parlin | |
PREVIOUSLY Offered Classes:

2020 May 02 Honey Show Judging CLASS
POSTPONED due to COVID-19 XXXXXXX LEARN all of the basics of HONEY SHOW JUDGING. IMPROVE your honey show ENTRIES! If you are considering pursuing a Maryland judging certification, then you will want ...

2020 May 20 “Essential Mite Actions”
Webinar about saving our bees from the Varroa already in our hives. Treatments, Tips, Q&A, and ...

2020 June 13 Meeting
DAVID TARPY is a North Carolina Extension specialist in honey bee biology and beekeeping. He has an extensive roster of online classes "Beekeepers Education and Engagement System that... ...

2020 November 07 Meeting
NOV 7 Fall ZOOM Meeting! Keynote speaker is Randy Oliver of Scientific Beekeeping. Logon to hear two different talks - Reading the Comb and Varroa ...

2022 Washington County Beekeepers Short Course
Washington County BeekeepersAssociation presents Introduction to Beekeeping Short Course Are you interested in honey bees and beekeeping? This Short Course ...

2022 Montgomery County “Beekeeping 101” Class
Thursday nights via Zoom 18 hours of live, online teaching, small mentoring groups, a trip to the bee yard. Please ...

2022 February 26 Nucs & Splits CLASS
Nucs & Splits CLASS! Sat, Feb 26.
Seven hours of bee learning. Enrollment opens 2/11 at 7PM ...

2022 April 16 Honey Show Judging CLASS
This class will cover all of the basics of honey show judging. It is ideal for everyone wanting to improve their honey show entries, ...