President’s Message, February 2020

First, I must give a well-deserved appreciation to outgoing MSBA President Jim Fraser. His willingness to help any beekeeper, share information, and just generally be a great all around ambassador for Maryland beekeepers will be missed. I hope to learn from his example. Well: this has been an interesting winter. The weather has been up and down so much that our bees have been impacted.  We are seeing bees going through their stores rapidly, and adding sugar blocks at a Read More …

President’s Message, November 2019

My term as MSBA President will end on December 31, so this is my last message. I have thoroughly enjoyed serving as President and working with the MSBA Board. I especially want to thank those who have done most, if not all, of the hard work, Kim Mehalick (VP) for all of the great speakers, Toni Burnham (Secretary) for keeping me on track, and Allen Hayes for the advice and guidance. All of you have made me look good. I Read More …

President’s Message, June 2019

Wow! What a great season so far. My hives are exploding with bees and piled high with supers loaded with nectar and capped honey. I am having a hard time keeping up with them. Sadly, I see that the tulip tree bloom in my backyard is starting to fade but, there is a ton of white clover popping up and will hopefully carry the nectar flow on for a while.  I hope your season is going as well as mine. Read More …