
Donate to the Maryland State Beekeepers Association

The Maryland State Beekeepers Association, Inc., is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit educational organization.
For your TAX purposes, MSBA's non-profit tax ID is 52-1887350

According to our constitution, “The object of this Association shall be the promotion of scientific and practical bee culture and the securing of such legislation as is necessary to protect and further the beekeeping industry and to advance the interests of its members.”

For over 100 years, the MSBA has supported Maryland beekeepers through meetings and newsletters, advocacy in Annapolis, outreach to the public, and providing information to the press on honey bee issues. We have forged and maintain important ties with the scientific and government research communities and communicate what we learn to member beekeepers.

Donate Online

To donate online with a credit card or PayPal, click this "Donate" button:

To Donate by Check:
Please make checks payable to 'MSBA' .  In the Memo write "MSBA General Fund"

Mail to:
Lisa Marie Ghezzi
MSBA Treasurer
7218 Maxmore Creek Drive
Easton, MD 21601