The Maryland State Beekeepers Association has its own MVA License Plate! For cars, trucks, & SUVs (but not motorcycles).
YOU can drive around with a HONEY BEE LICENSE PLATE!To purchase the plate, you must:

1. Be a member of MSBA. and logged-in. You are not logged in. Click HERE to login.
2. Give MSBA a $15 "LICENCE PLATE" Donation so that MSBA's treasurer can send you signed forms via USPS The DONATE button will appear below once you LOG-IN and are current with your dues.
3. Follow the detailed steps below to Submit forms to Maryland Dept. of Transportation, along with their one-time $30 fee for an "Organizational Specialty Plate WITH Logo"
Non-members can join MSBA by clicking HERE ($20/year or $200/lifetime)
Members can click HERE to login.
Once you are a member and logged-in, you will see additional directions below.