Each November since 1908, the Maryland State Beekeepers Association has elected a leadership group dedicated to supporting our club's mission of supporting beekeepers and beekeeping through education and outreach. Several hundred, all-volunteer officers have led and supported MSBA for 111 years!
Please welcome (and thank!) your local and statewide officers: they want to be a point of contact and resource for you, and to hear what you have to say.
President | Jim | Fraser | (301) 518-9678 | marylandhoneycompany2011@gmail.com |
V.P. | Kim | Mehalick | (301) 552-2214 | kimnmike89@verizon.net |
Secretary | Toni | Burnham | (202) 255-4318 | dcbees@dcbeekeepers.org |
Treasurer | Stefanie | Ottenstein | (301) 404-5926 | stefert@gmail.com |
Past President | Allen | Hayes | (410) 489-2835 | thehayeshouse4@aol.com |
Director | Maureen | Jais-Mick | (301) 801-6253 | jaismick1@verizon.net |
Director | Carl | Guerci | (410) 647-5540 | carl.guerci@verizon.net |
Director | Fred | Smith | (301) 992-7197 | f.smith@myactv.net |
MD Apiary Inspector | Cybil | Preston | (410) 562-3464 | cybil.preston@maryland.gov |
EAS Director | Patti | Wong | (240) 688-7789 | pattiwong12@gmail.com |
Beeline Editor | Toni | Burnham | (202) 255-4318 | beeline@mdbeekeepers.org |
Webmaster | Phil | Frank | (301) 547-6949 | MDbeekeeper@gmail.com |
Allegany | Ben | Cooper | (814) 324-4550 | cooperville@atlanticbb.net |
Anne Arundel | Deborah | Hewitt | (410) 320-0758 | dachewitt@gmail.com |
Baltimore | Susan | Warner | (443) 840-2618 | swarner@ccbcmd.edu |
Baltimore City | Bill | Castro | (303) 877-4617 | billiam1969@beefriendlyapiary.com |
Calvert | Jerry | Worrell | (410) 257 3267 | worrell@chesapeake.net |
Caroline | Paul | Dill | (302) 249-1866 | P.O. Box 571, Wyoming, DE 19934 |
Carroll | Clyde | Strang | (443) 334-4192 | cstrang@wellspan.org |
Cecil | Brad | Luff | (443) 350-4732 | bradfordluff@verizon.net |
Charles | Janet | Bardzik | (410) 467-4249 | jbeechrmr@aol.com |
Dorchester | Oliver | Collins | (443) 521-0941 | |
Frederick | Martin | Posse | (240) 899-4094 | mposse@altronicscom.com |
Garrett | Hop | Cassidy | (310) 334-8631 | hopsshop@verizon.net |
Harford | Harry | Dutcher | (410) 734-9236 | bspaboy@comcast.net |
Howard | Brenda | Klaunberg | (410) 507-2730 | brenda.klaunberg@me.com |
Kent | Dick | Crane | (410) 778-8183 | rcranesr@gmail.com |
Montgomery | Pam | Hepp | (301) 320-9605 | pphepp@aol.com |
Prince George's | David | Clark | (443) 871-0494 | dadicl.clark@gmail.com |
Queen Anne's | Charles | Campbell | (410) 364-5037 | cecampbellsr@yahoo.com |
Somerset | Crystal | Lehmanking | (443) 614-3609 | a.mellifera.a@gmail.com |
St. Mary's | Harry | Dalton | (301) 475-8224 | bee2charmer@gmail.com |
Talbot | George | Meyer | (301) 346-0110 | beegeorgehoney@hotmail.com |
Washington | Helen | Doerr | washcobeekeepers@gmail.com | |
Wicomico | Dean | Burroughs | (410) 546-2910 | nectar22@gmail.com |
Worcester | Wes | Townsend | (410) 641-1030 | longjohn@mchsi.com |
Washington D.C. | Jan | Day | (202) 494-7425 | jpostonday@gmail.com |

Founders of the Maryland State Beekeepers Association, December 1908