Each year, MSBA presents two special awards to members of our association who make important contributions to beekeeping education, in two different ways. The George Imirie Education Award includes a monetary prize, and goes to beekeeper(s) who have made a contribution to the education of the Maryland apiculture community. The Free State Beekeeper Citizenship award faces into the community around us: it celebrates efforts to education and inform the public about beekeeping, its contributions, and its importance.
Monica Schmitt was the 2024 winner of the Imirie Award. Though the non-profit she founded, Mission Believe, has been recognized in the past, Monica has personally continued to work with and support MSBA educational programs, including the upcoming Beeswax Workshop on March 8. 2025.

EAS Master Beekeepers Phil Frank and Dr. Frank Linton received the Free State Beekeeper Citizenship Award for their immensely helpful and exciting book, Hive Tour: The Insider's Guide to Honey Bees.

MSBA'a annual honey show also took place last November, and there were winners there, too! Twenty-four exhibitors entered 89 exhibits, and 86 won a premium! A total of $796 was awarded. Major recognitions went to:
- Division I, Hive Products: Robert Yochem
- Division II, Arts and Crafts: Ashleigh Knox
- Division III, Arts and Crafts: Kim Mehalick
- John V. Lindner Best in Show Award: Ashleigh Knox
The Barton Smith Award for Best Club Showing went to Carroll County (again!)
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