News from the Apiary Inspectors, June 2019

Cybil Preston, State Apiary Inspector, MDA
Phone 410-841-5920, Fax 841-5835, Cell 410-562-3464

aphisCall for participants
The Maryland Apiary Inspectors are once again participating in the National Honeybee Survey!
We are looking for beekeepers with 8 or more beehives who would be willing and wanting to participate. This project is free of charge!
During the survey, an inspector will take samples of bees and wax from each colony. Tests are run on the samples and the beekeeper will receive a print out and run down of hive issues and viral levels, ranging from presence of pests and viruses to assays of chemicals in wax.
Anyone wishing to participate should contact me.
Nucleus colonies and swarms
Nuc inspections and sales are starting to dwindle. There were more nucs made by Maryland beekeepers this year than last year!  This was nice to see.
Our higher overwintering rate was part of why more people were selling nucs this Spring.  For the majority of Maryland the nectar flow came in like a lion: Hard and fast and colonies were getting honey bound very quickly.
Weather cooperated for a great Black Locust and Tulip Poplar flow, and we have now moved on to a nice steady clover flow.
These flows contributed to brood chambers being filled with honey and brood so quickly that swarms have been reported in higher numbers than in recent years.
Disease observations
The Apiary Inspection Team has not being seeing much disease in the inspected colonies. Varroa mites and Small Hive beetle are still plaguing the colonies though!
Beecheck update
The Specialty Crop registry website Beecheck by Fieldwatch is going strong.  I am very pleased with the large amount of interested beekeepers.   I am trying to make my rounds to visit the Local Beekeeping Associations to promote State registration and the Beecheck registry.
AFB dogs
The honeybee disease detector dogs are now on VACATION til the fall and weather gets colder.  They are currently spending their days snoozing and swimming.