Cybil Preston, State Apiary Inspector, MDA
Happy Almost Summer....or should we say SWARMAGEDDON!
Weather has been SUPER unpredictable, with fluctuating temps from the 60s to the 90s, and it seems like every time I make a plan it RAINS!!! What a crazy Spring.
Original swarms and residual swarms seem to be a very common theme this year...along with "I think I am queenless."
Apiary Inspectors and inspections are in FULL swing. We had a large amount of nuc inspection requests, seemingly more than normal. Bees seemed to have overwintered better than they did last year and were ready for splits early in the Spring.
MDA will again participate in the National Honeybee Survey. I am looking for beekeepers with 8 or more beehives in the same location who would be willing and wanting to participate. The survey is free of charge: an inspector will take 1/3 cup samples of bees from each colony, and bee bread for the double sampling. Tests are then run on the samples and the beekeeper will later receive a detailed print out and run down of hive issues and virus presence and prevalence. Anyone wishing to participate should contact me:
We are again participating in the Invasives/Asian Giant Hornet Survey. Currently we have traps at the Port of Baltimore, BWI Airport and a suburban location.This survey looks for Apis ceranae, Tropilaelaps, Asian Giant Hornet etc.
I would like to encourage the local beekeeping associations and ALL beekeepers to enter Club displays and educational exhibits in the Maryland State Fair. The Maryland State Fair has NEW Dates to enter exhibits: Sunday, August 21, 2022, from 3PM to 8PM, and Monday, August 22, 2022, from 9AM to 7PM. Honey judging will take place on Tuesday 8/23/2022. The Fair will open on Thursday 8/25/2022 and be open til 9/11/2022. Take the summer to prepare your entries so we have a GREAT show in August! It's FAIR-iffic!
The honeybee disease detector dogs are now on VACATION til the fall when weather gets colder. They are currently spending their days snoozing and swimming.
MDA Apiary Inspection Service has hired a new apiary inspector for Central Maryland: David Schultz! He will cover Carroll and Frederick counties as well has help me with the National Honeybee Survey samplings. David brings an extensive educational background as well as his knowledgeable apiary inspection skills. If you are in one of his counties please reach out and say hello.
![]() | Cybil Preston Chief Apiary Inspector State Apiarist EAS Certified Master Beekeeper Maryland Department of Agriculture 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway Annapolis, Maryland 21401 (410) 841-5920(O) (410) 562-3464 (M) |