Cybil Preston, State Apiary Inspector, MDA
Maryland Apiary Statistics, 2022 versus 2021!
2021 | 2022 | |
Beekeepers | 2,335 | 2,353 |
Apiaries | 2,932 | 3,036 |
Colonies | 18,592 | 19,575 |
Inspections | 241 | 244 |
MDA mailed out the first round of apiary registration letters in December (a total of 4,000!), sending them to all beekeepers who have been active in the past five years. Please send in or email your signed registration if you have not already done so. The option of scanning or electronic return seems very popular and convenient for many, and I have personally processed a bit more than 750 electronic returns!
We are planning a second mailing for February 16, 2023. This one will be sent to those who did not return the first registration. Remember: we make up our Inspectors Lists by the middle of March, and we need your registrations forms ASAP in order to complete these plans. Please send in your electronic form to!

You also need to be registered in order to participate in the Bee Check voluntary mapping site. We must have a current registration form on file for you to utilize the free site.
With the milder weather we have been having I am inspecting fewer dead outs than last year. The dead outs that I am seeing are dead clusters with dead mites, varroa frass in the cells, clusters on brood with pierced cappings, dead pupae: all evidence of high varroa and virus pressure. Smallish clusters were left behind, leading me to think heavy die off took place during cleansing flights.
Please remember that if you are purchasing nucleus colonies from out of state you will need to have them inspected prior to bringing them into the State of Maryland. Also, for nuc suppliers: please contact me to get on the inspection request list. If nucs are made in Maryland and sold to an out of state beekeeper, they must be inspected before movement across state lines. The beekeeper selling nucleus colonies is responsible for finding out from the buyer where it is going. Every state has the same laws for movement of bees into the state. Please contact me if you need to schedule a spring inspection.
I am also asking bee clubs to vet their suppliers lists. If you are publishing a list of local beekeepers selling nucs or packages, please be sure the supplier is currently registered with the MDA. You can ask them for a copy of their certificate, or you can send me your list and I can cross reference it with the database.
We will be participating in the National Honeybee Survey again this year. I am looking for volunteers who would like to participate. To qualify you must have 8 colonies in your apiary.
This cold weather in late fall was great for K-9 inspections. Mack was able to inspect the hives leaving for California. 2,000 were inspected in November.
Tukka is officially back to work. YIPPEEEE! He started back mid-January. He is still doing bi-weekly physical therapy but has been cleared for normal duty. Thank you for all the support we have received to get him to this point. We humbly appreciate the outpouring of love and concern.
Extended Release Oxalic Acid exception not permitted. Maryland's State Chemist, Tom Phillips, received a request for a Section 2(ee) exception permitting the use of extended release oxalic acid for varroa control. This section of FIFRA (the regulations governing use of pesticides) covers “using a pesticide inconsistent with its labeling.” In other words, this provision presents special circumstances where it is permissible to use a pesticide in a manner for which it is not specifically labeled. If an exception is granted, another use that conforms to the state's written recommendations is permitted. This request has been denied in Maryland.
In Maryland, the only approved oxalic acid product for use in beehives is Api-Bioxal, and the approved methods of application are in solution for use as an in-hive dribble or package spray, or as vaporized or sublimated. Oxalic-acid soaked shop towels or sponges are not legal in Maryland.
![]() | Cybil Preston Chief Apiary Inspector State Apiarist EAS Certified Master Beekeeper Maryland Department of Agriculture 50 Harry S. Truman Parkway Annapolis, Maryland 21401 (410) 841-5920(O) (410) 562-3464 (M) |
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