MSBA President Fred Smith at F&D Apiaries
Hello Maryland Beekeepers!
Fall is definitely here; the weather cooled and fall color is all around in Maryland, though lately warm temperatures are trying to fool the bees. I hope everyone has gotten your bees ready for a cold Winter. Make sure they are full of food and put those mouse stops or entrance reducers on your hives and of course get rid of those varroa mites!
I hope everyone had a good honey production year and that you are preparing some of your best honey for our 2022 Honey Show at our November 12th meeting in Annapolis. This is always one of our largest meetings and its always great to get to talk to fellow beekeepers to see how their year was. The meeting will also be offered online with help from King AV and the UMD Bee Squad.
We have some great speakers for our meeting, and we will also be doing our Annual Elections. The November meeting is also the General Membership meeting, where voting and the two major awards, the George Imirie Beekeeper Education and Free State Beekeepers Citizenship recognitions, are given. We always need a lot of volunteers. Anyone who is interested in helping with our club please let myself or any board member know. I really appreciate everyone that helps keep the club going.
Maryland again had a great turnout this year at EAS in New York. We now have several new Master Beekeepers! Most of you have heard we are hosting EAS in 2024 right here in Maryland. Learn more about this at our November meeting. I want to personally thank David Morris for taking charge of this huge task.
I can say that I myself am very proud to be part of MSBA. We are known though out the Eastern United States as a great club.I had the privilege of being at the Spring conference in Tennessee when I was approached by someone who found out I was from Maryland. She wanted to know when we were having another Honey Show Judging Class. She heard it was the best around and wanted to sign up for the next one. We do have some of the best Instructors and dedicated beekeepers in the country. I was quite proud to have heard this and you should be just as proud!
See you in Annapolis!
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