Measure under consideration would create penalties to support enforcement of existing laws
By David Schultz, MSBA First Vice President

For those of you that are not aware the Maryland legislature is taking up SENATE BILL 278. This information is being provided as a service to Maryland Beekeepers.
I have reviewed the information included in “SENATE BILL 278” relative to honey bees and beekeeping in Maryland. There are fines that can be levied and payable to the state (not the Maryland Department of Agriculture) if a Maryland beekeeper does not register their colonies (an existing MD State law and registration is free) and if a Maryland beekeeper keeps colonies that do not have removable frames (an existing MD State law).
Registration of your honey bee colonies and using removable frames in your colonies is important for the health of your colonies and those colonies around you. It would be difficult if not impossible for proper health inspections to be performed if the location of your colonies was not available, or if during an inspection the combs could not be removed and inspected. One of the great benefits that we all enjoy in Maryland is a very low incidence of brood disease and proper inspections is important to successful and healthy honey bee colonies.
Thanks, David
David S. Schultz
EAS Certified Master Beekeeper
Maryland State Beekeepers Association First Vice President
[Editor's Note: In a recent MSBA Board briefing, it appears that the legislation (which has not yet been voted upon) gives beekeepers who are not in compliance a 30-day period to register their apiaries, and the proposed fine would be $25. A legislative note on the bill follows below.]
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