Swarm Retrieval List


To locate a beekeeper who removes SWARMS in your area:
1) Change "All Counties" to your county
2) Click "Apply Filter"


To locate a beekeeper who removes bees in your wall add this step:
3) Click the column head that says 'Also In-Wall-Removal' to sort by that column.

ALL beekeepers listed RETRIEVE HONEY BEES

Specific Counties Display Name Email Phone ALSO In-Wall Removal ALSO Wasp Removal
Washington Andrea Horton Andrea.horton03@gmail.com 3019914036
Washington Fred Smith f.smith@myactv.net (301) 992-7197
Washington GC Warrick w3gcw.1@gmail.com 301-748-0410
Talbot Lisa Marie Ghezzi lisa.ghezzi@icloud.com (703) 328-6322
Talbot melinda hudson melinda.b.hudson@gmail.com (703) 395-5671
Talbot Peachblossom Apiaries pbapiaries@gmail.com (410) 429-0228
Talbot Louise Southworth lbsouthworth@gmail.com 201-803-5111
Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester Dave Emely daveandwandaemely@gmail.com 410-251-6050
Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester Jim Leether jim@beesarefun.com 443-944-4840
Somerset, Wicomico, Worcester Rachel Schmitt rs878392@gmail.com 443-340-3328
Saint Mary's Keith Gagnon kjnnlg@gmail.com 3012473340
Prince George's, Queen Anne's Frank Fennell Jr frankfennelljr@hotmail.com 301-675-0971
Prince George's Janine kjdmoe@aol.com 3016617771
Prince George's Aaron Coleman aarondcamp@gmail.com 828-447-8215
Prince George's Jeffrey Forbes jgf@celticclans.com 240-605-3191
Prince George's Larry Prikockis thirstycat@gmail.com 703-981-1796
Prince George's Darrelynne Strother Darrelynnestrother@gmail.com 4342427070
Montgomery, Saint Mary's Lois Hunt lostduck54@yahoo.com 410-778-5158
Montgomery, Prince George's Skip Glenn glennskip1@gmail.com 3012334966
Montgomery, Prince George's Elizabeth Olson p277539a@netscape.net 301-938-9747
Montgomery Don English phillygent78@gmail.com 301-356-3391
Montgomery John Ferguson johntravilah@gmail.com 3015126509
Montgomery Phil Frank Phil@FrankTV.net 301-547-6949
Montgomery Len Greig lgreig3@verizon.net 2406208792
Montgomery Ian Hall hallib55.ss@gmail.com 3133003781
Montgomery Moiz Kitabwalla mkitabi@gmail.com 4632691203
Montgomery Allison Lange Langeaa@aol.com 202-538-9936
Montgomery Robert Mackleer rmackleerjr@gmail.com 301-908-7605
Montgomery Steven McVeigh stevenmcveigh@me.com 3013516238
Montgomery Keith M Ryea Sr k.m.ryea@gmail.com 2408555039
Montgomery George Ryffel GRyffel@verizon.net 240-601-8737
Montgomery Guy Semmes guy@hopkinsandporter.com 3012521868
Kent, Queen Anne's Mary Laura Fitzgerald themarylaura58@gmail.com 301-345-8171
Kent Richard Baum baumrich@gmail.com 6179307771
Kent janet rose greenrosefarm@yahoo.com 443-480-3000
Howard, Montgomery, Prince George's Doug Beil glenairfarm@gmail.com 443-280-4555
Howard, Montgomery Daniel Curtin earthdaddyhoney@gmail.com 443-616-7286
Howard Jack Anderson deltajulliettealpha@icloud.com 4434427614
Howard Annette Ashby-Knox broncobruce@gmail.com 4107070057
Howard Dean Clark DeanAllynClark@gmail.com 443-878-3315
Howard Brian Clifford clifford@aeneas.net 301-318-9351
Howard Jeffrey Crooks jlcrooks@live.com (410) 905-8761
Howard Christopher Cusick chris@qsik.net 2403750403
Howard David Dobbs dobbsda@gmail.com 443-831-0553
Howard John Grant rebgrant@yahoo.com 3613310366
Howard Rene Iannuzzi rianutz@gmail.com 4438968255
Howard Katey O’Donnell kateyodonnell@me.com 4105993221
Howard NIkki Schmidt schmidt.nikki@yahoo.com 5712361524
Howard Dave Titman dtitman@mdlawyer.com (410) 456-2028
Harford steve & cherie christy steven.christy@gmail.com 4107347468
Harford Robert Crouse rlcrouse@qis.net (410) 638-0105
Harford Harry Dutcher bspaboy@comcast.net 4435288755
Harford Dennis Hertzog dhzog@verizon.net 4438668503
Harford Ben Marshall bencmarshall3@gmail.com 2408765402
Harford Dick Paaby dpaaby@gmail.com 410-399-0192
Frederick, Washington Ryan Sanders sanders.ryan81@gmail.com 301-536-8958
Frederick, Montgomery, Washington Joshua Carr carrjosh5780@gmail.com 2406721068
Frederick, Montgomery Fred Nichols fanichols5@verizon.net 2022361213
Frederick, Montgomery Natalia Romanova natandera@gmail.com 2404211413
Frederick, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George's Ali Iravani twinspringslake@gmail.com 3018079631
Frederick, Howard, Montgomery kim raide kar922@hotmail.com 5859572198
Frederick Bryan Bender bryan@chesapeakequeen.com 410-804-5286
Frederick Autumn Bozzo asp3700@yahoo.com 2404223433
Frederick Eric Dvorak ericdvorak@yahoo.com 7278082386
Frederick Nyk Englander nykkolai@gmail.com 3016601283
Frederick Dave Halla dhalla87@gmail.com 520-906-0778
Frederick John Klapac jsklapac@xecu.net 301-639-1894
Frederick Dave Maloney dave@maloney.com 301-712-5855
Frederick Burt Pritchett bkpritchett@comcast.net 240-626-3057
Frederick Mike Raide mike.raide@gmail.com 443-220-1107
Frederick Chris Turner 602.turner@gmail.com 2408485325
Dorchester, Frederick, Montgomery, Somerset, Washington, Wicomico, Worcester Nathan Deckard greatdanehoney@gmail.com 3025368388
District of Columbia, Queen Anne's Sylvia Williams rwilliams@nccinc.org 3017935446
District of Columbia, Prince George's Maurice Richardson contact@diasporahoney.com 3057428305
District of Columbia, Montgomery, Prince George's, Washington Eric Eicher ericeicher76@gmail.com 2403050989
District of Columbia, Montgomery, Prince George's Davonn Brooks davonn.brooks@gmail.com 2404686507
District of Columbia, Montgomery Alice Gambino alicelgambino@gmail.com 240-519-7746
District of Columbia, Montgomery Andrea Langworthy andrea@bannerbees.com 240-793-0363
District of Columbia, Howard, Montgomery Marc Hoffman wildwoodflower@gmail.com 2022712291
District of Columbia, Howard, Montgomery Michael Whalen mike@whalenfamily.com 301-660-3373
District of Columbia, Frederick, Montgomery Pat Murphy 7332pkm@gmail.com (703) 973-7275
District of Columbia Toni Burnham dcbees@dcbeekeepers.org (202) 543-3907
District of Columbia Cory Nestor corynestor@icloud.com 9176897869
Charles Joseph Myers myers.yorktown@gmail.com 757-869-4596
Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's Gary Robson robsongaryandnancy@gmail.com 443-480-2285
Cecil, Kent Emily Leeper eleick@hotmail.com 302-559-3901
Cecil, Harford Jeffrey Detweiler jeffreydetweiler98@gmail.com 3023197334
Cecil James Falone jimmy@fairhillapiaries.com 302-525-0006
Cecil Michelle Hamrick caledoniafarmhoney@gmail.com 410-920-5047
Cecil Bradford Luff bradfordluff@verizon.net 443-350-4732
Cecil Donna Martin sillydanes@yahoo.com 443-350-6956
Carroll, Howard, Montgomery Matthew Gagle gaglephoto@gmail.com 5672252348
Carroll, Howard William A Parks nwparks_3@msn.com 4439290598
Carroll, Howard Andrew Shifflett gunpowderridgefarm@gmail.com 443-536-8136
Carroll, Frederick, Washington Richard Ring bees@richiering.com 8185389671
Carroll, Frederick, Montgomery, Washington John Drumm extrrcon7@gmail.com 3017126574
Carroll, Frederick, Montgomery, Washington Charles Green cgreen326@gmail.com 3015245354
Carroll, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery, Washington Mark Dominesey lostwater@gmail.com 2024894662
Carroll, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery Allen Hayes thehayeshouse4@aol.com (410) 489-2835
Carroll, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery ATX Apiaries - Pat Panhead fastevopat@gmail.com 240-372-6335
Carroll, Frederick, Howard BenJamin Batten bjamin.batten@gmail.com 4102593868
Carroll, Frederick Robert and Maura Hayes Bob.Maura@comcast.net 301-788-6953
Carroll Brad Criddle bradsbees@comcast.net 410-751-9220
Carroll Mike Earp jmearp@comcast.net 443-340-8019
Carroll Larry Fritz lfritz44@gmail.com 410-804-7652
Carroll Russell Sprangel windsockhoney@gmail.com 410-241-8303
Caroline, Talbot Walter Lee Voshell leevoshell@gmail.com 410-482-8510
Caroline, Kent, Queen Anne's, Talbot David Dawkins needwoodfarms@gmail.com 4107396663
Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, Worcester Lauren Pascarella Lauren@baybeeshoney.com 4433977407
Caroline, Dorchester, Queen Anne's, Talbot Archie DeJesus rcdejesus@yahoo.com 3018012184
Caroline, Dorchester, Queen Anne's, Talbot Jodie Schram jodieschram75@gmail.com 410-490-2693
Caroline, Cecil, Harford, Kent, Queen Anne's Bohemia Apiary bohemiabees@gmail.com 8773392337
Caroline Bill Mengel billmengel@comcast.net 4437865395
Calvert, Saint Mary's Greg Carey silvereaglefarm@yahoo.com 301-997-8512
Calvert, District of Columbia, Prince George's Christina Bailey christinambailey29@gmail.com 7183546707
Calvert, Charles, Saint Mary's Billy Burroughs billy@jbaccountingsolutions.com 3016415654
Calvert, Charles, Saint Mary's Samantha Rutherford capricornreader@gmail.com 443-386-7853
Calvert, Charles, Saint Mary's Diane Wellons deezltownbeez@gmail.com 2409251944
Calvert, Charles, Prince George's, Saint Mary's Dan Gimler 199gimler@gmail.com 301-399-5429
Calvert, Charles, Frederick, Prince George's, Saint Mary's Josh Calo solnectarlove@gmail.com 410-808-9949
Calvert, Cecil, Howard Woodrow Chambers lll chamberslslc@gmail.com 302-420-6205
Calvert Mary Anna Phillips maryphillips747@gmail.com 305-987-3483
Baltimore County, Harford Anthony(Tony) Frederick anthony.frederick@comcast.net 443-791-7407
Baltimore County, Harford John Knapstein jdk920488@gmail.com 443-567-2824
Baltimore County, Harford Cassia Lewis-Land clewisland@gmail.com 4438318520
Baltimore County, Harford Lloyd Snyder snydersapiaries@zoominternet.net (410) 329-6671
Baltimore County, Harford Susan Warner swarner@ccbcmd.edu 4435199527
Baltimore County, Cecil, Harford Bryan Dailey Jmvfc8117@yahoo.com 410-877-4716
Baltimore County, Carroll, Howard Joseph Stephens jstephens@remax.net 4105919332
Baltimore County, Carroll, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery Marty Rankin wtf21411@hotmail.com 301-525-4515
Baltimore County, Carroll Victor Hill vhill7792@gmail.com 4436312505
Baltimore County Regina Andrew regina.andrew@comcast.net 4103035872
Baltimore County Kevin Burroughs kevin.burroughs@sbdinc.com 4436772972
Baltimore County Missy Connolly missy4707@gmail.com 410-2076492
Baltimore County Lynne ELLIS 2georgeshoney@gmail.com 4102362483
Baltimore County Arnold Goluboff arnie13045@yahoo.com 6073452097
Baltimore County Anna Reed annawreed1@yahoo.com 4436057690
Baltimore County Nicole Yakas Nicole.yakas@hotmail.com 4435620821
Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Harford Mark Guelta tollertrainer@gmail.com 4438466575
Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Harford Vicki Rummel goldengirlsapiary@gmail.com 4109259265
Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery Nicole Huff NicoleHuff01@gmail.com 3017878268
Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Cecil, Harford Russell English Jr englruss52@gmail.com 443-463-8966
Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll, Howard, Prince George's Ashliegh Knox hexedhoneyfarm@gmail.com 4102367419
Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll, Harford George Kibbe gkibbe@gmail.com 4109673542
Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll, Frederick, Prince George's Changa Bell chilechanga@gmail.com 4435977217
Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll IZYA M SPEKTERMAN vladizbees@gmail.com 4102929088
Baltimore City, Baltimore County Osmar Rivera lunaapiaries@gmail.com 443-525-2631
Baltimore City, Baltimore County Bill Vondrasek wevondrasek@gmail.com 443-257-8482
Baltimore City Michelle Geiss michellegeiss@gmail.com 2022805576
Baltimore City Devra Kitterman devra.kitterman@gmail.com 4432507184
Baltimore City Eric Stephenson enstephenson@gmail.com 7572891192
Baltimore City Amy Stern acaplanstern@gmail.com 4108046583
Baltimore City Robert Yochem ryochem7@gmail.com 4109290762
Anne Arundel, Prince George's Chuck Brown brown15002@comcast.net 3019060777
Anne Arundel, Prince George's Arthur & Laura Heuer orders@homesteadharvest.farm 443-822-8547
Anne Arundel, Prince George's Storm badweather@yahoo.com 301-892-1484
Anne Arundel, Prince George's Kim Stringer kstringer758@gmail.com 4438567565
Anne Arundel, Prince George's Candee Van Iderstine candeevani@gmail.com 240-485-7165
Anne Arundel, Howard, Prince George's, Washington James Harrison realtorjdh@gmail.com 4105623889
Anne Arundel, Howard, Prince George's Kimberly Mehalick KimNMike89@verizon.net 301-552-2214
Anne Arundel, Howard michael kessler mskessler39@gmail.com 4102712695
Anne Arundel, District of Columbia, Prince George's Charles Russell rcflyer2387@gmail.com 2404782379
Anne Arundel, District of Columbia, Howard, Queen Anne's Mick Wiser sweetgrasshoney@gmail.com 301-613-9350
Anne Arundel, Charles, District of Columbia, Prince George's Billy Mullenax info@billythebeekeeper.com (515) 468- 2337
Anne Arundel, Caroline, Cecil, Dorchester, Queen Anne's, Talbot, Wicomico Anna Wysocki wysocki.anna@gmail.com 4102799896
Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Saint Mary's Robin Luxenburg luxenbubbles@gmail.com 4105333101
Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, District of Columbia, Prince George's, Saint Mary's Philip Zapien philip.zapien@gmail.com 6264728470
Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, District of Columbia, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George's, Saint Mary's Aaron Hughes h4264@msn.com 3014595991
Anne Arundel, Calvert SIMON HILLMAN BLIMEYDAD@GMAIL.COM 4436242451
Anne Arundel, Baltimore County, Howard Ken Lehman ibekenok@gmail.com 410-310-5948
Anne Arundel, Baltimore County, Calvert, Charles, Queen Anne's, Somerset, Talbot, Washington, Wicomico, Worcester Patrick Cozadd patrick@leighalleninv.com 4439620801
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Howard, Prince George's, Queen Anne's Christopher Zarba chriszarba@yahoo.com 410 980-9487
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Howard Danielle Spendiff dspendiff@gmail.com 717-676-6002
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Dorchester, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George's, Saint Mary's, Wicomico Ayanna Jaali divine.diligence@gmail.com 4439286230
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Charles, District of Columbia, Frederick, Montgomery, Queen Anne's Cailean Hawke cailean96@gmail.com 4432801198
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll, Howard Jeff Coomes honeybranch2021@gmail.com 2407294195
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll, Frederick, Howard JD Eddy mary@eddyswelding.com 4109847728
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll, Dorchester, Frederick, Harford, Prince George's, Queen Anne's Iain Davis iain@davishighlands.com 4434538912
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Calvert, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George's, Queen Anne's Michael Roswell mike.roswell@gmail.com 4109523018
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Calvert, District of Columbia, Kent, Prince George's, Queen Anne's Brent Ray b.cody.ray@gmail.com 3072475392
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Calvert, Charles, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George's, Queen Anne's Cindy Loftus clloftus@gmail.com 4436236271
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Calvert, Charles, District of Columbia, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George's, Saint Mary's, Wicomico STEFANO B azurebapiary@gmail.com 443-975-3604
Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Calvert, Carroll, Charles, District of Columbia, Frederick, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George's, Queen Anne's, Saint Mary's Jasmine Bestul-Taylor jbestaylor@gmail.com 2404818562
Anne Arundel Kevin Beever lakeshorebeevers@verizon.net 410-980-8313
Anne Arundel Stephanie Eeckhout xenafatboylo@gmail.com 3017126899
Anne Arundel Ibrahim El-Araby ielaraby@gmail.com 4436032927
Anne Arundel Howard Ettinger ettinger.howard@gmail.com 3015029192
Anne Arundel Jason Houser jsnhsr@gmail.com 5174102626
Anne Arundel Murray Hunt murrayahunt@gmail.com 4433339174
Anne Arundel Donald Jones dwjcompany@gmail.com 6675004764
Anne Arundel Rebecca Krimins rkrimins@yahoo.com 4434405432
Anne Arundel Robert Latham rflathamjr@gmail.com 443 336 4366
Anne Arundel Mandy McGlone mandy.mcglone@gmail.com 410-903-6972
Anne Arundel Peter Quinton pdq@1963.usna.com (410) 544-1856
Anne Arundel Ryan Smith Ryansmith@honeysmithbees.com 443-274-7496
Anne Arundel Stephanie Wilding steviewilding@gmail.com 410-693-8885
Allegany, Garrett Brittany Llewellyn bllewellyn88@hotmail.com 3016970054
Allegany, Garrett Tucker Skidmore tucker-skidmore@hotmail.com 3017074598
Allegany, Baltimore City, Carroll, District of Columbia, Frederick, Garrett, Howard, Saint Mary's, Somerset, Talbot, Wicomico, Worcester Alyssa Cain alyssacain112358@gmail.com 8083528606
Allegany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Calvert, Carroll, Cecil, District of Columbia, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George's Nicholas Rowan nickrowan777@gmail.com 4106605168
Allegany Ben Cooper cooperville@breezeline.net 814-324-4550
Allegany Lewis M Smith lewnancy94@comcast.net 814-979-6099